Monday, August 27, 2007


Will update later with video.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Take that, cancer, herpes and the common cold!

While in 7-11 today, I saw the greatest tabloid headline of all time. I know they make ridiculous claims all the time, but this issue of The Sun was extra special. It read:
New Pill Cures Every Disease
I can just picture a '50s style dad walking in, reading the headline and taking out his pipe just long enough to say "Well it's about time!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Guess who spent $15 on a bottle of soda!

So you may have read somewhere recently that Pepsi was doing a limited test-release of a new "cucumber ice" flavor of soda in Japan. Thanks to ebay, I should have a bottle in 2-3 weeks. I can't wait!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

So close!

My Vimeo account is now the #3 result for Kevin Corrigan on google.

The best laid plans of mice and Kevin

It's hard to eat right in NYC, especially when you're really busy. I've been eating like shit since I started at CV in May. I haven't been getting fat, but I'm certainly getting un-fit. I decided to do something about it while I was half-asleep in bed Sunday night. I decided I would eat nothing but healthy food for three months. I picked three months arbitrarily, but it seemed like the right amount of time.

I completely forgot my plan on Monday and had a baconator for lunch (from Wendy's... so good.) On Wednesday I ordered a veggie tuna club thinking club meant lettuce and tomato and ended up with more bacon.

My plan hasn't been going well, but it's been a delicious week.