Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Pythons in the news

I was reading the article "Bone-breaking fight pulls kitten from python's jaws" on news.com.au when I saw the box above. This leads me to believe that they are, hands down, the best source for python-related news in the world. Great job, guys. Give yourself a pat on the back.


My Dad and I just bottled our first homebrew. I've made beer before, but it was his first time. It was fun to teach him how to do something for a change. The beer is based on pilsner urquell from the Czech Republic. The bottle we're holding is the first bottle we bottled.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

He's still got it!

After releasing a so-so album (The Wolf) and a shitty record (Close Calls with Brick Walls), Andrew WK has just reminded me why I was ever obsessed with him in the first place.

Check out this new clip
Mp3 available for download at the bottom of the post. The story behind the song is explained on the page. I don't really get it, but it rocks HARD!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I finally started uploading pictures to Flickr. You can find them by using the link conveniently located on the right side of the page, or by clicking here. This will become more interesting after I go to Japan and South Korea in two weeks.

Hello Face

Whiskerino ended the other day. I have not shaved or trimmed my beard since Nov 1. This doesn't mean my face is coming back. I haven't decided what I'll do about my beard yet. I have heard of a magical thing called a "yeard" which is what happens when you don't shave for a year. It sounds pretty incredible. Here's Whiskerino creator Mackle sporting a yeard (I think). I'm considering it.

Vimeo dude and awesome photographer, Justin, took pics of us before and after Whiskerino.



We're missing a Neil in the second photo, but another pic is on the way soon.