Wednesday, November 28, 2007

So Determined

I just sent this e-mail:
From: kevin at collegehumor dot com
Subject: I really, really want a hat
Date: November 28, 2007 1:35:09 AM EST
To: info at surfskateonline dot com, deliveries at surfskateonline dot com


I'm e-mailing your company to ask a favor. I really, really want to buy a Billabong olive green mash-style cap. Surfskateonline is the only place I've been able to find one on the whole internet (I seriously just looked for like 2 hours). The problem is that I live in the US and see that you don't ship here. I hope that you will reconsider after reading of my tale of woe.

Last year around this time I was wrapping up 5 months studying abroad in Sydney, Australia. I'm not one for souvenirs, but I picked up one of the previously mentioned hats as a memento. It became a staple of my wardrobe. I wore it daily, well, at least weekly. It was the only hat I have ever owned that fit well with my naturally afro-y hair and it served as a reminder of my good times in AUS where I learned to surf.

The following year went well. I graduated college. I got a sweet job. I had a cool hat. Things didn't get shaky until a road trip to Toronto at the end of October. My friends and I went to compete in the Rock, Paper, Scissors World Championship. I came in the top 128. No big deal. Next year I'm going to win the championship. On our drive home my friend Rob discovered that it's hard to sing with your head out the car window. In a moment of brilliance, I stuck my head out the window to try and my beloved hat flew clean off my head. That wasn't the end of it though. Nope. We turned around and ran across a busy six lane freeway to save it. It got run over by at least one car, but that only added to it's character/sentimental value.

Last week I went to embark on another great road trip, hat-on-head. Yet somehow this time the hat vanished as soon as the trip started and I have no leads to it's whereabouts. Now, like a man whose dog just died, I am scrambling to replace it so I can forget the first one is gone and move on with my life.

I will totally pay whatever the shipping is to have it sent here, and would be willing to throw in a couple extra dollars because I'm desperate.

Please help me, you're my only hope.

If you do this, I will be your best friend.



Kevin Corrigan
Kevin at collegehumor dot com
It's all true. Just to give you an idea, here is a picture of me fresh off the plane back from Australia wearing the hat.

See how happy I am? And tan? And in shape? And how white my teeth are?

It will be mine again. Oh yes. It will be mine again.

Monday, November 5, 2007


So apparently Whiskerino has a fan site of sorts called Vaginarino. It's a site where girls who can't grow beards go and imitate Whiskerino pictures. I found it today and was blown away to find out that my Whiskerino picture from yesterday was the first picture they copied! I'm so honored! Stuff like this only happens on the internet.

Check it out
The original
Vaginarino version

It looks like they even used the same teapot.

Friday, November 2, 2007

This One's Funny!

I haven't laughed this hard at a video in a long time. I legitimately laugh out loud every time I see it.

Goodbye Face

I'm participating in this year's Whiskerino contest. That means no shaving for four months! Thanks to Casey from Vimeo for bringing this to my attention. I'm excited!

Check me out on Whiskerino, I will be uploading new pictures nearly every day (in theory).