Monday, May 12, 2008

Picture Pictures

Picture by Amir, picture within the picture by my girlfriend, Kelly
(click for full size)

When my friends at my old school humor/opinions magazine told me they needed mustache pictures for their new issue I was happy to oblige.

Since the very beginning of my freshman year back at Rowan I put all my time into Venue. It's where I made all my friends, where I learned most of what I know about writing/publishing, and it was as much fun as it was hard work. I'm glad to see that the magazine is chugging along just fine without me. The new issues look great guys, good job.

I can't link to them because they're no longer on the Internet. GET WITH THE PROGRAM GUYS IT'S 2008!

1 comment:

Kelly! said...

looks like I've found my calling - taking pictures of hot dudes for make-up ads.
